Monday, June 25, 2007


ISB is the Mecca of opportunities and amidst abysmal opportunities, disorientation runs bananas. After significant deliberations and confusions on PIEV Vs ELP, the dust settles to find you just hours short of the markstrat decision. Comstrat cases, DMOP simulations, leadership lessons – laundry list is exhaustive. Amidst this rigor, classes like marketing by Jagmohan Raju are a breath of fresh hair. The insights that he brings into the cases are profound. As the case unwinds, he catches you off guard on certain aspect that would not have crossed your wildest dream and then he makes his conclusions to reinforce a powerful concept of marketing: Competing amidst inconsistencies – How firm sent subtle hints to competitors and the subsequent reaction functions that emerge in the dilemma. Graduated from IIMA, Professor of marketing at Wharton , assistant professor at Anderson school of management, UCLA and winner of the best faculty award for core courses at Wharton, he is a hurricane in his own right Undoubtedly, a contender for best professor hall of fame at ISB.
Having said that, I owe the justice of a mention, in the least, to the true “Andavan” of Indian cinemas. With arguably the largest fan following in the world, Ranjnikanth is second only to Jackie chan in his journey to emerge the highest paid actor in Asia. Celebrated Shivaji with 10 other like-minded souls. Was a liberating experience – non-ISB air, gravity defying stunts and screaming until our voices dropped.


Kishore said...

Keep Updating your blog....
Current class is the true reflection on what's happening @ ISB..


reifentyres said...

Nice Articles...