Saturday, October 13, 2007

An ode to us......

Sid collected the consent signatures for the 2008 party lounge – a monument of benevolence from the batch of 2008 to the succeeding generations of ISBian. It would undoubtedly be the most befitting of contributions that can be made to the party crazy animals at ISB. So for all the prospective students out there, there is more opulence to look out for. Havn't had a chance to see the blue prints for the same but I hope its more or less an RDB style chill out with a pool amidst Graffitis all around. Well a twitch too much to hope for but nevertheless.

Speaking of longe, the core term closure party at touché was indeed a deserving finale to the 4 terms of pain and toil (too dramatically). ISBian rocked the floor at touch and stole the limelite inspite of entrenched mob pullers like Nayanthara, Priyamani and VJ Shreya.

So there I am a 50% down a high rope act called MBA. There is no retreat…..just a tight rope and promises ahead.

1 comment:

reifentyres said...

cNice Articles...